Sunday, March 3, 2013

Right Brainers in Business

Good morning everyone...Here is the buzz.....I am excited to share some information today about a website that I found to be an invaluable source of support and information. I am not going to beat around the bush I am going to get right to it. The site is the Right Brainers in Business and they have a video summit going on that started February 25th and continues through March 8th. Jennifer Lee is the developer of this website and she has a book out as well. Her mission is to help all of us creatives out here to be successful in developing and building our own special businesses.
But before I give you the link....I just want to explain what the summit is all about. Jennifer has been interviewing fellow creatives like ourselves and business support entrepeneurs....these interviews are very insightful and have given me and many others tools that we need to use in our business development. 
So here is the link:

I hope you use this information and join the summit. It has helped me a great deal. The next livestream video will be on monday March 5, 2013 and if you have missed the first few videos there is a 48 hour replay where you can go back and watch them.  The best part of all of this is that it is free!

I have actually applied for her scholarship to win a premium pass to her site which gives you even more support and as part of that application I mentioned that I would share with you all here some of my struggles that I have had to move my creative business forward. So here goes....I have had to become more computer savvy and as I have mentioned before, that has been a hard road for me. The balance between having time to learn all that I need to get myself noticed online has been taking away from my creative balance has certainly been a huge issue for me lately. Plus I am very impatient....I want to learn these things and have my site up and running exactly as I have envisioned ASAP, but I have learned that is not how it steps towards my goals will get me there and probably keep me more sane in the mean time.

I hope you can take from my experiences and use them to push and stretch yourself as well....that is the defintion of growth and you can't get there without these trials.

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