I had the pleasure of teaching a beading class at the Mohawk Valley Center for the Arts, located in Little Falls, NY this past weekend. I taught my students how to stitch seed beads into a lovely herringbone bracelet.
Now most of them did not finish their bracelets during our class, but I did receive a sweet email from one of the students showing me a picture of her finished bracelet. She was so excited that she was able to connect with others and learn a new creative skill....best of all she created her very own bracelet!
After seeing her enthusiasm it made a full circle and pushed me to be enthusiastic as well. I think continuing to learn something new is a great way to keep our mind, body and spirit alive. I know that I learn something new just from teaching others. I am currently taking an art class to give me some new skills and reinvigorate my own creative spirit.
So here are some upcoming opportunities for you to consider.
I am teaching 3 more classes at the Mohawk Valley Center for the Arts and you can see the schedule for them by clicking this link. www.shannoncrandall.com/Workshops.html
You will also see 2 Retreats that I am teaching at this May and July along side some other fabulous artists/teachers. I have provided the links for these. We would love to share that creative energy with you!
Art Retreat NEW WildHeart Art ~ArtWine Art Retreat ~May 21st-23rd 2014!!
Join us for this unique opportunity to enjoy art~ wine and beautiful friends! Full Details on the blog below and registration ( Early Bird and Payment plans available!) at www.indigoearth.artfire.com