Friday, August 8, 2014

Summer and Fall Retreats

I know it has been some time since I last posted, but I have truly been crazy busy! I wanted to let you in on what I have been up to this summer and what my plans are for the fall. If you are like me you want to share as much time with friends and create as much art as possible. I have found that teaching at retreats this summer has been a wonderful experience and accomplishes both for me.

It all began with the Art Retreat at Glenora Wine Cellars this May. Sherri Welser hosted a lovely art retreat. I was just one of the instructors invited there to teach. We had a great time touring the winery, sharing creative time together and relaxing over wonderful meals in the picturesque Seneca Lake Wine Trail.
Students and teachers showing off their art!

In July Kelly Diemond and I hosted an Art Exchange Retreat at Wellnesste Lodge in Taberg, NY where we shared art processes with 6 other artists. We took hikes, sat by the fire, swam in the river and communed with nature.
Here is a group of us watching an art Demo by Martha Perkins.

After these experiences I can tell you that it is wonderful to connect online using social media....I have some of the most supportive friends in that realm,but what I have noticed is that we all need human connection and to be able to get to meet my Internet friends in person is a fantastic, energizing, restorative and spiritual thing. It is hard to even put into words how these types of retreats feed your soul on so many levels!

These connections I have made are like no others. These people I have met and shared my feelings and creative processes with are special souls who will travel in my heart and forever change the way I connect.

I am on a path to continue organizing and participating in these retreats. I am very excited to let you know that Registration is open for the Art Retreat at The Lake which is going to be held in Lake Chautauqua, NY. The dates are September 17-19, 2014. I will be teaching along with Cathy Strater. This will be a great opportunity to recharge, re-align your mind body and spirit.

Learn how to make mono prints with the gelli plate.
Create some beautiful hammered metal earrings!
Learn mixed media painting techniques from Cathy Strate. 
We can't wait to create with you!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Retreats and Workshops

I had the pleasure of teaching a beading class at the Mohawk Valley Center for the Arts, located in Little Falls, NY this past weekend.  I taught my students how to stitch seed beads into a lovely herringbone bracelet.
Now most of them did not finish their bracelets during our class, but I did receive a sweet email from one of the students showing me a picture of her finished bracelet. She was so excited that she was able to connect with others and learn a new creative of all she created her very own bracelet!

After seeing her enthusiasm it made a full circle and pushed me to be enthusiastic as well. I think continuing to learn something new is a great way to keep our mind, body and spirit alive. I know that I learn something new just from teaching others. I am currently taking an art class to give me some new skills and reinvigorate my own creative spirit.
So here are some upcoming opportunities for you to consider.
I am teaching 3 more classes  at the Mohawk Valley Center for the Arts and you can see the schedule for them by clicking this link.

You will also see 2 Retreats that I am teaching at this May and July along side some other fabulous artists/teachers. I have provided the links for these. We would love to share that creative energy with you!
Art Retreat NEW WildHeart Art ~ArtWine Art Retreat ~May 21st-23rd 2014!!
Join us for this unique opportunity to enjoy art~ wine and beautiful friends! Full Details on the blog below and registration ( Early Bird and Payment plans available!) at

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New Workshops and Creative Retreats   2014

For more details about the workshops and retreats you can also go to

If you have any questions please leave a comment!